Are Hoverboards Waterproof | Types of Hoverboards

Hoverboards have gained a lot of popularity since their introduction a few years ago. Not only do they offer a fun and unique way to get around, but they’re also eco-friendly. However, one question that arises quite often is are hoverboards waterproof? In this guide, we’ll discuss the different types of hoverboards and whether they are suitable for riding in the rain.

Types of hoverboards

Firstly, let’s distinguish between the different types of hoverboards available on the market. The most common types are self-balancing scooters and hoverboards with all-terrain wheels. While both can be used outdoors, they have different features that make them suitable for different terrains. The self-balancing scooter has small wheels that can handle smooth, flat surfaces such as pavement and indoor flooring. On the other hand, the all-terrain hoverboard has larger wheels that can handle rough terrain such as gravel, grass, and sand.

Are Hoverboards Waterproof | Let’s talk about

Now let’s talk about are hoverboards waterproof? While many hoverboards claim to be water-resistant, this does not mean that they are suitable for riding in the rain. Water-resistance simply means that the hoverboard can withstand light splashes of water such as when being washed down. If you’re planning on riding your hoverboard in the rain, you need to be sure that it’s waterproof.

The level of waterproofing varies depending on the hoverboard model. Some models such as the Swagtron T580 and the Tomoloo Q2X have an IPX4 water-resistance rating. This means that they can handle splash water from any direction but cannot be submerged in water. Other models such as the Halo Board and the Segway Ninebot S-Plus have an IP54 rating, meaning that they can handle light rain and splash water but cannot be submerged.

However, it’s important to note that riding a hoverboard in the rain can be dangerous regardless of whether it’s waterproof or not. Water can cause the wheels to slip, making it hard to maintain balance on the board. Wet feet can also make it difficult to keep a grip on the board and can cause slips and falls.

If you must ride your hoverboard in the rain, there are a few precautions you can take.

  • Ensure that your hoverboard is waterproof and has an IP rating that allows it to handle the rain.
  • Wear appropriate clothing such as a raincoat and rubber-soled shoes that provide good traction.
  • Ride your hoverboard at a slower speed than you would on dry ground, and avoid sharp turns and sudden movements.
Hoverboards Waterproof

Why Water-Resistant Hoverboards are the Next Big Thing in Personal Transportation?

Can you imagine riding your hoverboard even if it’s pouring rain outside? While traditional hoverboards may not allow you to do so, the latest innovation in hoverboard technology has given birth to the water-resistant version.

  • No More Water Damage: The biggest advantage of water-resistant hoverboards is that they’re protected from water damage. This means you can ride your hoverboard in the rain or even cross a shallow puddle of water without worrying about damaging the electronics. You can also easily clean your hoverboard when you get back home without the risk of getting any water inside the device.
  • Versatility: Water-resistant hoverboards offer more versatility than traditional models. You can ride them in all weather conditions, so you don’t have to worry about cancelling your plans when it rains. You can also take them to the beach or park without worrying about getting sand or mud on the wheels. Whether it’s a smooth road or a rough terrain, water-resistant hoverboards can handle it all.
  • Increased Durability: Waterproof or water-resistant hoverboards often have stronger components and airtight casings that can withstand the elements. This makes them more durable and less prone to damage from scratches, bumps, or water exposure. With a water-resistant hoverboard, you can rest assured that your investment will last longer and be able to cater to all your transportation needs.
  • Safer to Ride: Riding a hoverboard in wet weather can be hazardous as water on the wheels can cause the board to slip and slide. Water-resistant hoverboards can solve this problem by providing you with better stability and traction, making it safer and more comfortable to ride even in wet weather conditions.
  • Same Great Features: Water-resistant hoverboards maintain all the great features of traditional models, including being easy to use and maneuverable. You’ll also have the same range of speed options and control over your movement meaning you can still weave in and out of traffic or cruise around the city at speeds up to 15 miles per hour.


In summary, hoverboards can be waterproof, but not all models are suitable for riding in the rain. The degree of waterproofing varies depending on the model, and it’s important to check the IP rating before attempting to ride in wet conditions. While it’s possible to ride a hoverboard in the rain, it can be dangerous and should be done with caution. We hope this guide has provided you with valuable insights into riding hoverboards in wet conditions.

Check out 6 Best Hoverboard For Hills.


Q: Which are the most waterproof hoverboards?

A: Hoverboards can differ in their water resistance capabilities, with some possessing an IPX4 rating that protects them from splashes for at least 5 minutes, from any angle. Generally, the all terrain models with 10″ inflatable wheels provide such features and can also be ridden on a variety of surfaces.

Q: What if my hoverboard gets really wet?

A: If your hoverboard gets wet, quickly turn it off to prevent further damage. After returning home, carefully clean any dirty parts with an ear bud dipped in alcohol when they are fully dried. Pay attention to the tips of the cables while drying the chassis with a paper towel. If the board got very wet, keep it open and empty for at least 24 hours to ensure all water has evaporated. Once all parts are completely dry, reassemble the board, ensure all connections are secure and turn it on. If you still experience issues due to water damage, contact an expert like Official Hoverboard.

Q: Can hover scooters get wet?

A: Hoverboards cannot typically be exposed to water without risking damage, as they are electronic devices that do not mix well with moisture. It’s better to assume that they aren’t waterproof and keep them dry.

Q: Can you leave a hoverboard in the rain?

A: Hoverboards are often built with varying degrees of water resistance, indicated by their IP rating, enabling them to withstand light rain. In some cases, they may even survive being driven over small puddles. Nonetheless, it is still advisable to steer clear of water, as this may lead to issues with the board’s electronics and battery.

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